Saturday, January 7, 2012

Santeria, Santeria, Santeria, let me go!

Yesterday's Bedhead Theater selection was brought to you by "a growing headache, a fading warmth, a sense of regret that should be stronger than it is, and a recurring apocalyptic dream."

Today's selection is brought to you by "OMG, I did karaoke last night for the second time in my life and it may have been a little too fun to not do again.  Who have I become?"  And if you're thinking that the title of this post means that I did Bohemian Rhapsody during the aforementioned karaoke night, you would be right.  I also did Santeria by Sublime.  It went a little somethin' like this:


  1. I love this bedhead theater stuff! LOVE it! Is it ok for me to say that my favorite way to hear you sing is like this? Just you. No other stuff. Love it. I hope this becomes a regular, super often thing. :)

  2. I love this bedhead theater stuff! LOVE it! Is it ok for me to say that my favorite way to hear you sing is like this? Just you. No other stuff. Love it. I hope this becomes a regular, super often thing. :)
